Lefty’s Friday Selection Of Tweets, 28th July-4th August

Hello, friends.

And I expect you’ll all be thrilled to hear that today I have “reassigned” myself as an 8-year-old female horse, who has also just given birth to two foals, of indeterminate gender, aged 3 years and 10 years respectively! Amazing, eh!

Night mare [Groan! – J.C.]

Of course, Hard-Right elements will doubtless make their usual bile-filled Hate Comments, e.g. “this really is a load of utter nonsense!”, or “you really are one sad loony, Lefty!”

Our Wilts Police, friends!

But when Our Wilts Police smash down their front doors at 6am one day soon, as part of the new, kinder and gentler policing of Hate Crimes, they will soon have second thoughts – and, just for once, these won’t be Hate Thoughts!

Anyway, enough of all this in-depth analysis of the frightening number of Hate People in our so-called society – which Thatcher first claimed didn’t exist, and then totally destroyed – friends! Here’s my latest batch of tweets. My thanks, as ever, to everyone whose tweets I’ve reused here.

Friday 28th July






Saturday 29th July



Sunday 30th July




Monday 31st July




Tuesday 1st August



Wednesday 2nd August





Thursday 3rd August





Friday 4th August


13 thoughts on “Lefty’s Friday Selection Of Tweets, 28th July-4th August

  1. “Of course, Hard-Right elements will doubtless make their usual bile-filled Hate Comments, e.g. “this really is a load of utter nonsense!”, or “you really are one sad loony, Lefty!””

    How did you know Letfly?
    And who are you calling a Hard-Right element?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Always a joy-if a rare one-to drop by and see my boys at this splendid site.
    Am happy to note that you now have your imitators Dear Leader SOL…one or two excellent tribute acts to you, but -good as they are- it`s always grand to go to the original source of the Corbyn Worship Cultura.
    I myself have been selling ungulents and hair oil to my sisters in Venezuela…my oils turn out to be no pricier than theirs these days, so now is a time to trade.
    That said, I submit myself at all times to European Union rules and bring a Solidarity Basque of Dutch eggs, which I(of course) declare in the original Esperanto.
    Good men with Zapata moustaches have never been so cheap as I do my best Evita Peron impressions among the Latin Gauchos…always had a thing about Manolito from The High Chapperal, and find all my fantasies fulfilled these days.
    Corbyn o Muerte as we say in the Andes.
    Keep up the good work at this site-seems that some of us have refused generous offers to vacate designated territory under bridges…but happy to lead any of the stray bullocks here , away by the bolas and onto a Che Guevera-themed Jungle romp if that means La Passionara del Diablo can be danced in La Paz.
    Corbyn is our Castro…a worldwide cigarillo well worthy of a rolled thigh…bit confused all this, but I rarely speak English these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just back from a rather saucy holiday, and it`s great to be home.
    Corbz is the man to follow…and thank Allah for Jeremy, and his consistent costed genius.
    The Party Conference season is upon us soon-and I`ve already got my Labour Party Conference “Hookers For Corbyn” pass…sponsored by Maduro, no less.

    Liked by 1 person

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