My Piece In Today’s Far-Right Guardian, In Which I – Literally – Support Our Polly To The Hilt, By Helpfully Providing A Couple Of Past Quotations Of Hers, Which Clearly Demonstrate That, Just In Terms Of Sheer Perceptiveness And Insight Alone, She Is Truly “The People’s Columnist”, Friends!

Hello, friends.

And here is my latest piece in the Far-Right Guardian, in which I – literally – waded in to the Mass Debate [I’d rephrase that particular term if I were you, Lefty!J.C. But Jeremy, you are not me! And kindly stop telling me what I should write here! Whose Blog is it anyway?L. No comment!J.C.] on Our EU, which the Hard-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May is, tragically, planning to literally destroy tomorrow, with her vicious plan to trigger Article 48%, as I have renamed it after Our 48%, who after all represent the overwhelming minority of people in Britain, as demonstrated [Groan!J.C. Oh for heaven’s sake, Jeremy! That wasn’t even intended to be a pun!L.] on Saturday when, according to figures I’ve just made up, and which at least 97% of Climate Scientists agree are an underestimate if anything, well over 50 million people marched on London in support of Our EU, and were viciously censored by the Hard-Right so-called BBC which is a neoliberal, racist disgrace, and which the Far-Right Tories are literally attempting to destroy, even though Our BBC is the envy of the world, and indeed elsewhere, e.g. Strictly Our Great British Bake-off.

Puzzled, friends!

I have to confess, friends, that I am at a loss to understand why Jeremy didn’t attend the March, given his impressive pro-EU credentials, which stretch all the way back in time to those far-off days when he became Labour Leader. Whenever I ask him why he didn’t attend, he always says “No comment!”, which I do find rather unhelpful. Perhaps, Jeremy, you would care to take the opportunity here, in this Blog, to explain exactly why you didn’t go? [No comment!J.C.]. You see now what I’m – literally – up against, don’t you, friends?

Hey ho, friends – some mysteries will always be mysterious! Anyway, enough of all this Hard-Right banter! [Some mistake surely, Lefty?J.C. Oh Jeremy! There are never any mistaks in this Blog!L. No coment!J.C.] Here’s the piece: as ever, a link to the original article and my comment, along with replies to it, is provided under the piece.

Now the battle line is drawn before Theresa May’s car-crash Brexit

Well said, Polly.

Friends! Brexit will undoubtedly be at least as bad for the British economy as Britain’s failure to join Our Euro has been.

As Polly so wisely pointed out in 1997:

It won’t be enough to rely on frightening voters with the dangers of being left out of the single currency. Nor will it be enough to sell the immediate advantages – lower interest rates, lower mortgages, exchange rate stability, and the like.

And, of course, let us not forget Polly’s remarkable comments about Our Gordon, made in 2007:

Twice a year Gordon Brown fills his party’s sails with pride. His tornado of facts and figures magics up images of untold national wealth and success. Sixty per cent more personal wealth! Most chancellors sound as if chunks of their speech are penned by officials, not quite convincing in their grasp of macro or micro details. But here is the man who studies everything, consuming documents with the speed of a shredder. Standing at the dispatch box, the towering superiority of his brain makes intellectual pygmies of his opponents.

And yet, friends, Hard-Right elements claim that such quotes “just show that Polly Toynbee hasn’t the faintest idea what she’s talking about”! Talk about delusional!

4 thoughts on “My Piece In Today’s Far-Right Guardian, In Which I – Literally – Support Our Polly To The Hilt, By Helpfully Providing A Couple Of Past Quotations Of Hers, Which Clearly Demonstrate That, Just In Terms Of Sheer Perceptiveness And Insight Alone, She Is Truly “The People’s Columnist”, Friends!

  1. Dark times for us but we neo Bolshies will not yield to despair. Our EU is surely the new union of socialist republics . Our Jeremy is surely only waiting to give us the word to sieze power. We in Merthyr are ready. Down with the unelected May junta and to the guillotine with all traitors. Let the spirit of 1917 live again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Derik Puffinette, Daffyd, Ron, Log the pencil and many other Tyd-villains. Ask Letfly for another blog-tile, he can probably spare more than one.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We neo bolshies have a use for tiles. Rip them off and throw them at the fascist police or whatever. Paving stones and cobbles the essential requirements of a revolutionary.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tyd-villians. In the land of slate, I’m surprised you know about roofing tiles. But then you don’t seem to know that the USSR is no more and hasn’t been for decades. You lose things – statues, midgets and lusty young lasses. And have recently started issuing fake news. Pitiful.

    A strange silence about the weaponization of Jeremy’s torso.

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