Lefty’s Sunday Selection Of Tweets, 23rd-30th April

Hello, friends.

And I expect you’ve all noticed that the Hard-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May has, in a fit of total cowardice, literally fled to the Far-Right Scotland, so that she can (a) hide from all of us on the Progressive Left, whose literally penetrating questions about e.g. why she has totally destroyed Our NHS – the envy of the world and indeed elsewhere, friends – she is literally unable to answer; and (b) avoid a mass debate [Sic!J.C. Indeed, Jeremy – it is indeed totally Sic-kening that she refuses to participate in a TV Election debate, which is an ancient and long-standing British tradition that goes back all the way to those far-off days of 2010.L.] with Jeremy, who – literally – terrifies her with his sheer popularity, which is – literally – unprecedented, and will result in a landslide on June 8th.

Hey ho, friends, this is all – literally – grist to the Progressive Left mill, and one day – maybe as soon as 2045, but possibly even sooner – Labour will literally sweep to power, at which point the Far-Right lamb will lie down with the unicorn, and every Pandora’s Box will have a – literally – silver lining.

Anyway, enough of all this – literally – deep political analysis [Ha!J.C.]. Here are last week’s tweets:

Sunday 23rd April


Monday 24th April




Tuesday 25th April






Wednesday 26th April





Thursday 27th April


Friday 28th April




Saturday 29th April



Sunday 30th April


Why Labour Should Promise To Oppose Brexit – Literally – Tooth And Nail, Friends! My Piece In Today’s Far-Right Guardian.

Hello, friends.

And here is a piece I wrote in the Far-Right Guardian today, in which I fully support the very wise proposal of Jonathan Steele that Labour should abandon any remaining pretence of supporting Brexit – whether Hard, Soft or half-baked [not a bad little joke there, eh friends! And to think that Hard-Right elements claim that we on the Progressive Left have no sense of humour!] – and should instead literally come out of the Far-Right Pandora’s Box with all guns blazing, all the while nailing its true colours to the mast and taking the Good Ship Labour – literally – up the creek, from where it can storm the Brexit House of Cards, which is literally no more than a viciously Hard-Right Paper Tiger dressed in a Lone Trojan Wolf’s clothing!

As ever, I’ve provided a link to the original article and my comment, along with any replies to it, below this piece.

Be bold Labour: promise to abandon this ruinous Brexit

Well said, Jonathan. Your analysis of this particular situation is as spot-on as it always is.

Friends! Labour’s electoral unpopularity – which in any case is a Hard-Right LIE peddled by the Far-Right Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media, e.g. Our BBC – is because it is not nearly pro-EU enough!

As Jonathan so wisely points out, a full 48% of voters supported Our EU last June. And as extensive polling evidence, painstakingly garnered by one of the world’s most reliable and authoritative psephological experts, i.e. me, has repeatedly shown, not one single person who voted for Our EU last June has changed their minds.

Bigots, friends!

Furthermore, this same polling evidence shows, hearteningly, that the numbers of Our 48% have been swelled by – literally – huge numbers of that tiny handful of 17,410,742 bigots who disobeyed the firm orders of Our Experts last June, and viciously voted against Our EU, and all because they were deceived by the LIES on the side of a racist omnibus!

Indeed, the numbers of these defectors are so huge, it is rather surprising that the 48% are still only referred to as “the 48%”. Surely, by now, that number should be a lot bigger – say, 52%? Ah, but no: as we Remainers know, 52% is not actually a majority.

Anyway, as Jonathan so wisely implies, the answer to all Labour’s problems – which do not in any case exist – is simple:

Full-blooded, unconditional support for Our EU, with a firm commitment to oppose Brexit all the way.

Such a policy would, I am quite sure, make Labour as electorally popular as the Greens and the Liberal Democrats put together. And would guarantee that the result of the General Election is – literally – a landslide.


Why All Of Us Must – Literally – Attend Our Climate March On April 29th, Friends! My Piece In The Far-Right Guardian Today.

Hello, friends.

And as you may have shrewdly inferred, I have – literally – waded in to the mass debate [Sic!J.C. Oh hello, Jeremy! Well done for – literally – taking the fight to the Tories! How big do you think Labour’s majority will be, by the way?L. No comment!J.C.] in the Far-Right Guardian today, in which I fully support Our Eve’s call for all us on the Progressive Left – and there are still quite a few of us, friends, despite this totally unelected Tory Government literally murdering literally billions of us by depriving us of Our School Meals on the flimsy pretext of it being “school holidays” or some other feeble neoliberal excuse, e.g. that we’re “not actually school children in any case” – to attend Our Climate March on April 29th.

Needless to say, some Hard-Right Leaver Deniers claim that, however much we on the Progressive Left march against Climate Change, “it won’t change Climate Change at all”!

Hearts and minds, friends!

Which, of course, totally misses the point!  We are not marching principally to change Climate Change – any change in Climate Change as a result of Our March will just be an added bonus –  but to – literally – change hearts and minds, and thereby the climate [Groan!J.C.] of opinion generally, which we have done with such notable success on so many issues recently, e.g. reversing Brexit, and opposing this totally unelected Tory Government which needless to say will be totally unelected on June 8th, and which, even if it isn’t, will always be “this totally unelected Tory Government” as far as those of us on the Progressive Left are concerned.

As ever, I’ve provided a link to the original article and my comment, along with any replies to it, below this piece.

This spring, fight for our precious planet and join the climate march

Well said, Eve. You have – literally – spoken for well over 97% of Guardian readers here, as estimated by well over 110% of Climate Scientists, who as we all know are – literally – infallible, and whose orders must never be disobeyed.

Friends! I do hope you will all attend this Climate March on 29th April, not just to show everyone that you care about this Earth – and there is only one Earth, friends, apart from all the others – but also to show that you care that other people know that you care, which is obviously the most important thing of all.

I, alas, will be unable to attend, as I have already been booked in for a Mass March against this totally unelected Tory Government, which in a typically undemocratic and cynical power grab is holding a General Election, even though – literally – nobody wants one, apart from a tiny handful of 17,410,742 racist bigots who – literally – represent absolutely nobody but themselves, and who last June disobeyed the explicit orders of Our Experts, and all because they were deceived by all the LIES they read on the side of a racist omnibus.

Nonetheless, friends, I will be with you all in – literally – spirit! And I do beg you all to remember, as you march against Our Climate Change, one very important thing, and which far too many Hard-Right Leaver Deniers predictably deny:

Weather is – literally – not the same thing as Our Climate Change.


Lefty’s Sunday Selection Of Tweets, 16th-23rd April

Hello, friends.

And I hope you are all feeling as optimistic as I am about 8th June, when Jeremy will finally – literally – smash the Hard-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May back on to her criminally Far-Right kitten heels!

Complacency, friends!

Of course, friends, we must not be complacent! The huge landslide that awaits us will have to be fought for, literally every inch of the way. But with Jeremy as Our Leader, along with Our John (he of the Little Read Book fame), Our Diane, Our Emily and the rest of Jeremy’s impressive team – whoever they are – how can we possibly fail?

Anyway, here are last week’s Hard-Right Tweets [Some mistake surely, Lefty?J.C. Oh Jeremy! I was only teasing! Don’t be so literally literal-minded!L.]:


Sunday 16th April



Monday 17th April


Tuesday 18th April




Wednesday 19th April




Thursday 20th April




Friday 21st April




Saturday 22nd April



Sunday 23rd April



Part 12 Of Saveed Miliband’s Greatest Hits In The Far-Right Guardian: Why Having Babies In Your 90s Is Best; The Need For A TV Mass Debate On Our EU; The Vicious Tory Attack On Our Hard-Right BBC; And Why The Formerly Far-Right Major (Now Our John) Is Totally Correct About The Need For Britain To Remain In Our EU, Friends! (All From May 2016)

Hello, friends.

And I’m pleased to bring you another instalment of Saveed’s Greatest Hits, which includes my favourite piece of his: namely, why the best age for people to have children is when they’re in their 90s. I felt his logic was – literally – unanswerable there.

These pieces are all from May [Groan!J.C. Oh hello, Jeremy! Do you think you’ll still have time to comment here after June 8th, when of course you’ll be very busy with your new responsibilities as Prime Minister? – L. No comment!J.C.] last year, and they also include a piece by Our Polly on why Our Dave (as he temporarily was) should have a mass debate [Sic!J.C.] with the hated Bullingdon Bully Boy Johnson on Our EU; why the Tories should leave Our BBC alone; and why Our John (formerly the Hard-Right Major) was totally correct on why Britain should stay in Our EU.

As ever, a link to the original article and my comment, along with any replies, is provided under each piece.

There’s nothing wrong with having a baby in your 70s (article by Aarathi Prasad, 12.5.16)

Well said, Aarathi, but as is so typical in today’s sadly neoliberal Guardian, you don’t go nearly far enough. Parents in their 70s do, after all, suffer from the disadvantage of being somewhat young and inexperienced in the matter of child-rearing, which should ideally be left to more senior people than them.

Plainly, the older the parents, the better. My personal view is that the ideal age for parents is in their 90s, when they will have, finally, begun to acquire some of the necessary life skills for parenting.

Obviously, people who have Far Right political views – Kippers, Tories, and Hard-Right Red Tory Traitors (Hilary Benn etc.) – are an exception here; but, then, almost needless to say, such people should not be permitted to have children, whatever age they are, in case their highly toxic, intolerant, bile-filled, hateful views should infect such unfortunate children who, as we all know, are our future, and indeed our future’s future.

But thank you, friend, for your thoughtful and original contribution to this important subject.



David Cameron v Boris Johnson live on TV: the EU debate we must have (article by Polly Toynbee, 9.5.16)

Well said, Polly.

We on the Progressive Left must rally behind Mr. Cameron – who is easily the most Far-Right Prime Minister in this country’s history, and is nothing more than a privileged Bullingdon Bully Boy who has totally destroyed Britain with Tory Austerity – to save Our EU, which is the envy of the world and indeed elsewhere.

Just the thought of Britain leaving Our EU is utterly terrifying. We are, after all, a tiny, helpless, totally insignificant country which could not possibly manage on its own, and indeed would sink without trace.

Plus, friends, if this self-same tiny, insignificant, helpless little Britain left Our EU, the effects would be truly catastrophic – not just for Britain itself, but for Europe and the World generally, and indeed elsewhere.

On this matter, friends, if on no other, Camoron and Gidiot are absolutely correct, and we on the Progressive Left must rally behind them, ignoring the siren voices of Far-Right neoliberals, e.g. Arthur Scargill, who peddle scaremongering lies about the EU, and worse still, claim that Jeremy Corbyn has been in any way inconsistent in his stance on this matter, when, as we all know Our Jeremy has been a consistent supporter of the EU ever since his election as Labour Leader last September.



The Tories meddle with the BBC at their peril (article by Ian Birrell, 11.5.16)

The so-called BBC – which Thatcher totally destroyed – is nothing more than a craven mouthpiece of the Far Right Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media, peddling a nonstop and predictable menu of Fascist neoliberalism, and as such it is, as Mr Birrell correctly states, the envy of the world – and indeed elsewhere.

It is now under attack by this totally unelected Tory Government, who wish to destroy it through sheer spite, despite its massive popularity amongst the whole British nation, i.e. myself.

Of course, friends, the main problem with the BBC is the Licence Fee, by which I mean, of course, that it is far too low.

The Licence Fee, by charging everyone exactly the same, upholds the Socialist principle of equality, and is therefore an example of true Socialism in action. No wonder Right-wingers want to abolish it, as part of their evil plan to inflict hardship and austerity on the most vulnerable people in our society.

No wonder we on the Progressive Left are revolting!



John Major: EU leave campaign at risk of ‘divisive’ immigration stance (report, 12.5.16)

John Major is a Far-Right Neoliberal whose views are held in total contempt by all fair-minded people on the Progressive Left, i.e. myself.

He was, after all, the man who totally destroyed Britain in the 1980s, first by supporting the hated Thatcher – who, friends, let us never forget, first denied that society existed, and then destroyed it – and then by leading a Far-Right Regime in the 1990s in which Britain was totally destroyed, with literally hundreds of billions of people living in poverty in the aftermath of the ERM debacle, which needless to say, those of us on the Progressive Left consistently opposed after it happened.

And, therefore, when Mr Major so wisely reminds us that it would be a total catastrophe if Britain were ever to leave Our Europe – which has played such an important part, after all, in making this country what it is today – we should, of course, take his views very seriously.


The Cowardly Bullingdon Bully Boy May’s Vicious Plan To Hold A General Election On June 8th Is – Literally – Nothing More Than An Undemocratic Coup Which Must Be Resisted By All Of Us On The Progressive Left, Friends! My Piece In The Far-Right Guardian Today.

Hello, friends.

And I expect that you are all as excited and happy as I am that the cowardly Bullingdon Bully Boy May is viciously calling a General Election for June 8th!

She is obviously doing this because she is – literally – terrified that Jeremy’s steadily increasing popularity and stature in the country – which Thatcher totally destroyed – will lead to a landslide in 2020, and she is trying to postpone that – literally – evil day by the totally dishonest tactic of bringing the election forward, in an underhand attempt to steal a victory by amassing more votes than any other party.

Of course, friends, she will not succeed. And to make sure of that, we on the Progressive Left must make sure that this totally undemocratic General Election does not take place!

Anne Perkins – Our Anne – has set out this argument very clearly in the Far-Right Guardian today, and I have nothing to add to it except [I thought that this was too good to be true, Lefty!J.C. Oh hello, Jeremy! Doubtless you’re looking forward to the Election as much as I am?L. No comment!J.C.] my very wise and erudite comment which I have reproduced below, in which I very wisely argue for whatever it is I am arguing for. (Sorry, friends, the sheer shock of this vicious General Election announcement has – literally – turned me inside out.)

As always, I’ve provided a link to the original article and my comment, along with replies to it, below this piece.

This is no general election, it’s a coup – MPs have a duty to stop Theresa May

Well said, Anne.

It is just typical of the cowardly Hard-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May that she is viciously calling a General Election that literally nobody wants, apart from that tiny handful of 17,410,742 bigots and racists who voted against the explicitly clear orders of Our Experts last June, and who still fail to accept that they – literally – lost, owing to their uneducated belief that 52% of votes cast somehow constitutes a “majority”, whereas of course it – literally – doesn’t.

This totally unelected Tory Government is, of course, totally unelected; and it is utterly outrageous that given this deplorable state of affairs it should seek to be re-elected, when literally nobody will vote for it apart from a few million people who have been predictably brainwashed by the Hard-Right LIES of the Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media, e.g. Our BBC, whose anti-Left, pro-Brexit bias is obvious to even the meanest intelligence, e.g. me.

Worse than Hitler, friends!

This totally unwanted General Election – which literally no-one has voted for – must be scrapped, and replaced by Our Second Referendum, which will give people the opportunity to vote against Hard-Right Extreme Tory Brexit and which, if the incorrect answer is given again, will provide for further Referendums until the correct decision has been obtained.

And until our demands are met, we on the Progressive Left (and there are still quite a few of us, friends, despite the recent tragic passing of some of our leading lights, e.g. Our Fidel, the People’s Dictator, and Our Martin, the People’s Terrorist) will forever be – literally – revolting!


Lefty’s Springerval Sunday Selection Of Tweets, 9th-16th April

Hello, friends.

And first of all, I would like to wish you all a – literally – Very Happy Easter!

But, as I have already explained to my followers on the Far-Right Twitter, I – literally – cannot, as that would be Hate Speech.

So I shall just express the hope that, as you greedily munch through your viciously Hard-Right Springerval Eggs – which, as Our Daily Mail [normally the literally Fascist Daily Heil] never ceases to remind us, are a leading cause of Far-Right diabetes – you will reflect on the fact that, thanks to Hard-Right Tory Austerity, more than 100% of Our Children are – literally – starving to death due to obesity, in extreme Tory Foodbanks. And yet, if you point out this uncontrovertible fact – verified as it is by well over 127% of Climate Scientists, in peer-reviewed papers – to Far-Right elements, they just laugh at you and saying you’re “making this all up!”

Really, friends! Words – literally – fail me! [That would surely be too much to hope for, Lefty!J.C. Oh Jeremy! Didn’t expect to see you here today! How are your plans to – literally – rise again tomorrow, going by the way?L. No comment!J.C.]

So guess I’d better stop here [Phew!J.C.]. Here are last week’s tweets –  many thanks to David Videcette and DiscoDroid for their tweets, which I retweeted and which are included in this selection:

Sunday 9th April


Monday 10th April




Tuesday 11th April




Wednesday 12th April




Thursday 13th April




Friday 14th April



Saturday 15th April


Sunday 16th April


Part 11 Of Saveed Miliband’s Greatest Hits in The Far-Right Guardian, Friends! Pieces From April & May 2016 On: My 100% Agreement With Our Zoe; Far-Right Trolls; Why Our Hard-Right BBC Is The Envy Of The World, And Indeed Elsewhere; And Labour’s – Literally – Unbelievable Success In The Local Elections!

Hello, friends.

And a very – literally – warm welcome to you all on this beautiful sunny day, which is yet another manifestation of dangerous Climate Change – which, as we all know, friends, has literally nothing to do with weather – and which the Tories are literally slashing, as part of their general attack on some of the poorest, weakest and most vulnerable members of society – which Thatcher totally destroyed – i.e. 97% of Our Climate Scientists.

This week’s instalment of Saveed’s Greatest Hits [Ha!J.C. Oh Jeremy! This is – literally – no laughing matter.L. You said it, Lefty!J.C.] is from April and May last year, and includes a couple of very short posts, along with four longer ones: two on Our BBC, and two on Labour’s amazingly triumphant triumph in last May’s [Groan!J.C. Oh Jeremy! Do stop groaning at puns that weren’t even intended to be puns!L.] local elections.

As ever, a link to the original article and my comment, along with any replies, is provided under each piece.

Forget about Labour’s heartland – it doesn’t exist (article by Zoe Williams, 10.4.16)

Well said, Zoe. I agree with everything you say, whatever it is.



Is it too late to stop the trolls trampling over our entire political discourse? (article by Owen Jones, 13.4.16)

In reply to ash_nkt:

Friend, the Guardian moderators never block comments simply because they don’t agree with them.

They only block them because they are wrong.



Hands off our cherished BBC, say older voters (Polling report, Observer, 17.4.16)

The main problem with the BBC is the Licence Fee, by which I mean, of course, that it is far too low.

The Licence Fee, by charging everyone exactly the same, upholds the Socialist principle of equality, and therefore is an example of true Socialism in action. No wonder Right-wingers want to abolish it, as part of their evil plan to inflict hardship and austerity on the most vulnerable people in our society.

The BBC is, of course, a Far-Right mouthpiece of the Hard Right, and has been totally destroyed by Thatcher and this current totally unelected Tory Government. As such, it is the Envy of the World, and indeed elsewhere, and is therefore supported by all Progressive Socialists, i.e. myself.



Threats to shift Strictly are just part of the plan to sabotage the BBC (article by Polly Toynbee, 2.5.16)

The so-called BBC is nothing more than a craven mouthpiece of the Far Right Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media, peddling a nonstop and predictable menu of Fascist neoliberalism, and as such it is the envy of the world and indeed elsewhere.

It is now under attack by this totally unelected Government, who wish to destroy it, along with the Licence Fee, which by charging everyone the same amount, is a living example of Socialism in action.

Friends, we must come together and fight to save Our BBC! Not even Hitler attempted to reschedule Strictly Come Dancing, which only goes to show how far this country has sunk in to the quicksand of Fascist neoliberalism, and from which, like a drowning man, it will never escape unless all the Socialist lifeboats are manned.

No wonder we on the Progressive Left are revolting!



UK elections: Jeremy Corbyn declares ‘we hung on’ after mixed night for Labour – as it happened (report, 6.5.16)

Friends, we have had a truly triumphant night! The naysayers, the knockers, the Moaning Minnies, the n’er do well’s, the subversives, the Far Right Tory Traitors (the list is literally endless!) have been well and truly put in their place by Labour’s amazing performance, which, as ever, has been totally downplayed by the Far Right Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media, e.g. the BBC, who have been predictably silent about the many seats that Labour has won in the last few hours!

Remember, friends, what our enemies – and, friends, we have many enemies, and not just in this particular world – were saying only yesterday? They claimed that Labour would lose millions of seats, whereas in fact we are set to win well over two thousand seats!

And, friends, if we can win over 2000 seats today, why should we not win a mere 301 seats – which is all we would require to secure a Parliamentary majority – in 2020? That is the question that no-one in the Far-Right etc. Media has yet dared to ask! Why not, friends? Because, friends, they are truly terrified of the answer!



Dr Corbyn’s elixir for electoral success will kill only the patient (article by Andrew Rawnsley, Observer, 8.5.16)

This so-called article is yet another Far-Right neoliberal attack on Our Jeremy, who scored triumph upon triumph on Thursday night. This is quite some achievement, and one which has been acknowledged by all objective and heavyweight political commentators without an axe to grind, i.e. myself.

And, friends, these triumphs were achieved despite the Hard-Right Red Tory traitors, e.g. Sadiq Khan, who have continually damaged Labour’s appeal to the electorate by trying to appeal to the so-called “centre ground” which is, as we all know, merely a euphemism for Far-Right neoliberalism and Fascism, and which is comprehensively rejected by everyone apart from a few million bigoted people who have been totally brainwashed by the Far Right Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media’s predictable lies!

It is surely time, friends, for those of us on the Progressive Left to mobilise the mass power of working people, e.g. students, to totally crush these Red Tory Traitors, and to expel them from the Party. (No right of appeal should be allowed, as that would merely result in a Party full of appealing people, which is the last thing we on the Progressive Left need right now.)

Friends, if we can just hold our nerve, putting our collective best feet forward, with our shoulders to the wheel, our backs to the wall, and our heads in the sand, a Great Victory should surely await us in May 2020!





Why We On The Progressive Left Should Keep On Marching Against – Literally – Everything, Friends! My Piece In Today’s Far-Right Guardian, In Which I Support Our Zoe – Literally – To The Hilt!

Hello, friends.

And as you may have shrewdly inferred from the title of this piece, I have today – literally – waded in to the Mass Debate [Sic!J.C.] that we on the Progressive Left are currently having, in the pages of the Far-Right Guardian, about the multifarious benefits of Protest Marches.

My view is, naturally, crystal clear. Protest Marches against absolutely everything are – literally – one of the things that has got the Progressive Left where it is today.

As ever, I have provided a link to my original comment, along with any replies (three at the time of writing) and the original article, below this piece.

Keep on marching. Most protests do work … eventually

Well said, Zoe. As ever, you have – literally – nailed the heart of the matter in to a cocked hat.

Friends! As Zoe has so wisely pointed out, whether Our Protest Marches actually have any success or not, is totally irrelevant. What matters is that we on the Progressive Left are marching in protest, against whatever it is we happen to be protesting about.

And naturally, the precise nature of what we happen to be protesting about is not particularly important either. “Thatcher” is, of course, a safe bet for those people who may be in the early stages of their marching career. “Racism”, “Fascism” and “sexism” are also quite promising, although of course cultural sensitivities must be observed carefully here, as we must never lapse in to Hate Crimes and/or Islamophobia.

Of course, “Extreme Brexit” is an ideal thing to march against, since all Progressive people – e.g. Our Hezza, Our Mandy, Our Anna, Our Tim and Our Tony – are opposed to it, in shining contrast to viciously Hard-Right, xenophobic elements, e.g. George Galloway and Dennis Skinner. Marches in favour of Our EU are always inspiring, and it is always good to see that so many of our new friends, Our Police, attend these in such large numbers – often, indeed, outnumbering the rest of us, which only goes to show, I guess, the strength of their feelings on this particular matter.

One thing does puzzle me, friends. With all the marches that we on the Progressive Left have participated in down the years, why is this totally unelected Tory Government still in power? I guess the answer can only be that we have not marched enough, nor protested enough, against it.


Lefty’s Sunday Selection Of Tweets, 2nd-9th April

Hello, friends.

And I expect that all of you are getting as – literally – sick and tired as I am of this vicious Far-Right backlash against Our Terrorists, aren’t you, friends?  As we all know, Our Terrorists are the envy of the world, and indeed elsewhere, and yet Hard-Right elements are constantly knocking them and belittling their very real achievements!

It is surely time for those of us on the Progressive Left to – literally – come together and defend the terrorist community, which is under sustained attack by reactionary forces, some of whom even dare to assert that “Terrorism is a bad thing”!

Hate, friends!

This is Hate Speech of the highest order, friends! I do hope that those Far-Right haters perpetuating it will be called to account for their hate-filled hatred, which is utterly hateful and which I – literally – hate.

Anyway, here are last week’s tweets:

Sunday 2nd April


Monday 3rd April




Tuesday 4th April




Wednesday 5th April




Thursday 6th April





Friday 7th April




Saturday 8th April



Sunday 9th April
